Peace & Hope Await You…

A Legacy of Service

From Co-Founder Will Wilson:

My wife, Jamie, and I have been helping people in one way or another for many years. We are both ordained ministers in which when the Lord opens doors we go and speak wherever He leads. We both have been Pastors or co-Pastor in the past, Bill serving several congregations as an Associate Pastor and Pastor of Small Groups and Discipleship. Jamie has been a Children’s Pastor and Youth Pastor, and is always ready to prepare meals for sick people, and pray for and minister to those who need counsel. She has been over hospitality ministry through the course of her life at different times, preparing food for people and churches, and also playing keyboard and singing at nursing homes and just generally loving on people to bring restoration and wholeness. And that is our main process: just loving people and loving God in the name of Jesus. We have opened our home to drug addicts, a mother and child needing a place to live, another young family coming out of a drug addiction background, and other homeless people.

Finding Peace in the Chaos

Our ranch is a place where people find peace. In a world full of chaos there is such a lack of peace and it is felt in our nation and in our world right down to each individual life. Jesus is the only one that can give peace to a troubled soul. For everyone who comes through our doors, that is the one thing that they feel – peace. We try through the Lord to set the atmosphere through prayer, the word, and worship in our home, so His presence and peace rests on our home. We find that two things most people really need is to understand their identity in Christ and that God accepts them right where they are if they will only turn to Jesus.

Embracing God’s Unconditional Love

So, we try to show and teach the Love of God, which involves us really loving on people. A lot of people that have come through our doors have never really been loved and have come from a place of brokenness and just need love to open up so they can see how much they are loved by the heavenly Father. In the course of our lives, we have learned that without the Lord there is a void in people and an emptiness which leads people to try to fill that area through relationships, success, money, drugs, alcohol, etc. And the more they try to fill that emptiness on their own, the more empty they feel. That void can only be filled with the Lord Jesus Christ in order to really be satisfied and complete. That is where we lead by example and be Jesus’ hands and feet.

Becoming Overcomers in Christ’s Strength

Our home then becomes a place where people learn to be overcomers though Jesus Christ. Realizing their identity in Christ by using the tools He has given us: reading His word, meditating on His word, giving Him praise and worship, praying always, being a doer of word and not just a hearer of word, and memorizing Scripture. Also knowing we are human beings before human doings, in other words, God is more interested in us sitting at his feet than doing everything else and getting too busy for Him. Serving others and being an overcomer comes from being still and knowing He is God. We are called to be servants of the Lord Jesus Christ and our callings and gifts flow from His amazing grace when we spend time with Him. And that is what we pray, that people realize that with Christ Jesus we can do all things and without Christ we cannot do anything that really matters. We are overcomers by putting our faith fully in Jesus Christ.